3 best methods for dry skin patches – exfoliator, serum, and oil

Dry skin patches are a real nightmare of many women who love to wear make-up on a daily basis. Foundation makes every imperfection and every minor dryness of the skin more visible. Can we do anything about it? Meet 3 best methods for dry skin patches.

Most of all, those are aesthetics issue. However, there’s more to it because dry skin is a signal from your organism that lacks something: hydration, nourishment, strengthening. You should take a better look at it.

Dry skin patches on the face. Where do they come from?

Sometimes they’re a symptom of disease, e.g. eczema, psoriasis, and AD. However, you shouldn’t panic because in most cases the cause is simple and it’s dehydration. When you fail to deliver your organism with proper hydration and your diet is poor in unsaturated fatty acids, dry skin patches may appear. They appear on the face of all places because there skin is the thinnest and loses water the fastest.

The causes for dry skin patches may be various. You should keep in mind that the most common causes are:

  • dehydration,
  • lack of moisturizing in your beauty routine,
  • working in air-coned rooms,
  • use of cosmetics causing dryness,
  • lack of protection against atmospherical factors.

How to get rid of dry skin patches from the face?

The base will be, of course, delivering skin with hydration from the inside and ensuring the right nutrients for it from your diet. What we eat has a significant impact on how our skin looks like. The best way for dry skin patches is to drink 8 glasses of water a day and to introduce products rich in omega fatty acids. Such products can be natural oils, avocado, fat sea fish, nuts, and seeds. Obviously, you shouldn’t forget that diet needs to be balanced because it is always best for your skin, hair, and nails.

Another important matter is the proper beauty routine focused on moisturizing and protection. It should go hand in hand with a healthy diet but not to be its replacement because simultaneous action on the inside and outside is the best approach. What will help you in the fight against dry skin patches?

The three best methods for dry skin patches

When it comes to a beauty routine, you need a versatile approach so the best way is to exfoliate dead skin cells, deeply moisturize and protect skin against harmful factors.

If you have dry skin patches, you should use those three products.

  1. Exfoliator – it can be mechanical (with tiny exfoliating flecks) or enzymatic (acid-based), but the most important is to use it regularly, e.g. every 2-3 days. It helps you get rid of dry skin patches, smooth out skin, and stimulate it to regeneration.
  2. Serum – the best one is with hyaluronic acid for an intense moisturizing effect so the skin will be hydrated from the inside out. A concentrated product like that needs to be applied at least once a day, e.g. after evening face cleansing.
  3. Oil – the third step in the beauty routine for skin prone to dryness should be the use of natural oil (argan, macadamia, jojoba). When applied after the serum is absorbed, it will create an occlusive layer to prevent water loss.