5 essential ingredients that every type of skin needs

We, women, want to feel beautiful and this is what daily skin care, makeup and all efforts are for. Thankfully there are just five ingredients that the skin really needs and they are the key to success. Do you know what to deliver in everyday skin care to keep it healthy and really good-looking?

Nature gave us an answer to this question long time ago. The skin doesn’t need preservatives, silicones, dehydrating detergents or advanced antiaging formulas. Believe it or not, every skin needs just five ingredients to preserve health and natural beauty. What are they? I’m sure you know them very well!


Hyaluronic acid: moisturizers

Hyaluronic acid is the strongest and one of the most common hydrating agents in cosmetic products. This is a good thing because this substance is natural for our bodies. Of course, there are different types of hyaluronic acid yet each one has the same effect:

  • supplies water inside the skin.
  • locks in water to hold it longer.
  • improves skin’s elasticity and firmness.
  • brings relief to irritated skin.
  • gives skin a natural shine.

Antioxidants: delay aging

Antioxidants are essential for skin as well. These ingredients are meant to counteract free radicals that cause oxidative stress which, in turn, leads to faster aging process. If you want to head wrinkles off, you need to protect skin against free radicals and antioxidants are made for that. The most popular ones include:

  • flavonoids that can be found in large amounts e.g. in green tea.
  • vitamin E, aka vitamin of youth.
  • beta-carotene that turns to vitamin A.
  • Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and other acids.

Vitamin C: brightens and rejuvenates

Vitamin C is an equally strong antioxidant but it deserves a separate paragraph for its extra amazing properties. Skin likes ascorbic acid for its intense antiaging effect. Not only does it effectively fight free radicals but also brightens pigmentation spots, evens out skin tone, restores healthy radiance. That is why vitamin C products make a great daily pick.


By using serum enriched with vitamin C you use its full potential thanks to highly-concentrated serum formula that easily penetrates deep skin layers.

Fatty acids: maintain moisture

Hands down, unsaturated fatty acids – omega – come forth on the list of ingredients essential for healthy skin. Where can you find them and what makes them so important? Using natural oils is the easiest way hence their great popularity. Pure oils are worth choosing because fatty acids are rich in lipids essential to maintain skin’s hydro-lipid coat. This is our natural barrier that saves skin from loss of moisture. If you don’t want dry or irritated skin, you need fatty acids, that is oils.

Collagen: guarantees skin’s firmness

What else does the skin need? Collagen, or, to be more precise, collagen and elastin – two proteins that give skin resilience, firmness and plumpness. They make up the skin’s “skeleton”. Unfortunately levels of collagen drop when we age so if we don’t replenish it using skin-care products, the skin will go limp and wrinkled fast.