Budget-friendly skin-care hit: top homemade face masks

They are all-natural, give superb results and care for every type of skin. Homemade face masks are very easy to make – see it for yourself. Learn why this budget-friendly, skin-care hit tops the best Korean facial masks.

Homemade face mask. What’s the whole fuss about?!

  • you make them yourself (100% satisfaction)
  • you keep an eye on the “production process” from the beginning to the very ending
  • you receive a top-quality skin-care product
  • you can prepare a different mask every time (you aren’t forced to use up an entire container of mask you don’t like)
  • you treat your skin to masks free from chemicals and preservatives

Must-follow rules for using face masks

  • Apply face mask in the PM, ideally around 6 pm.
  • Use mask on thoroughly cleansed face.
  • After rinsing the mask, restore skin’s pH – use a toner and moisturizer.

TOP 5 Iconic homemade face masks

1. Cucumber & oil face mask

  • 1 medium-sized cucumber
  • half teaspoon of avocado oil

The world’s easiest face mask giving the best refreshing and brightening effect… Cucumber wipes tiredness off the face, evens out the skin tone, soothes swelling. This mask makes skin brighter, hydrates it and smoothes it out.

Avocado oil provides a dose of vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants essential for the skin. Grate a cucumber, get rid of the juice (you can use it as a toner), mix the pulp with avocado oil. Apply the mixture to the face skin and rinse after 15 minutes.

2. Yeast face mask

  • 20 g yeast
  • 2-3 spoons of plain yogurt (or cream)
  • teaspoon of jojoba oil or almond oil

Baker’s yeast isn’t good only for baked goods. Make use of this miracle-working ingredient in your skin care – it’s high in vitamin B and protein. Yeast abounds in minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, selenium and chromium. A mask that combines them is made for tired, sallow skin full of blemishes. Jojoba, on the other hand, balances sebum secretion so it moisturizes dry skin and controls oil production in greasy skin. Yogurt restores skin’s pH balance.

3. Carrot face mask

  • 1/2 small carrot
  • yolk
  • teaspoon of honey
  • teaspoon of yogurt or cream

Grate a carrot and mix it with yolk, honey and yogurt. Let the mask sit on the skin for 20 minutes and rinse it using warm water. This one makes a perfect pick for normal or tired skin. It improves the color, keeps skin hydrated, softens the epidermis, prevents blemishes, nourishes and revitalizes. This mask is also a great antiseptic and abounds in antiaging antioxidants.

4. Honey & milk face mask

  • 3 spoons of honey
  • 3 teaspoons of milk

Mix the ingredients, apply to the skin and rinse after around 15 minutes. You can also enrich your honey and milk mask with a fave natural oil.

Honey is a valuable ingredient of homemade beauty products: it has healing properties, prevents inflammation, works as antidote to skin imperfections. It keeps irritations away and protects skin from harmful effect of outside aggressors.

5. Apple face mask

  • 1 apple
  • spoon of potato flour
  • a few drops of lemon juice
  • half teaspoon of jojoba or argan oil

Grate an apple and mix it with potato flour (you can use wheat, corn or rice flour instead). Add other ingredients, mix well until smooth. Apply the mask to the face and neck, and rinse after 15 minutes using lukewarm water.

Apple face mask improves the appearance of skin because apples are acidic so they are able to balance skin’s pH. This mask also brightens dark spots, has an anti-wrinkle effect and enhances skin’s tone. Apples protect the body against premature aging and have antiseptic effect. Lemon illuminates the skin and boosts its color while oil repairs and protects from loss of moisture.