Dark circles: Home treatments to get rid of them for good

How to deal with dark circles under eyes? Undoubtedly, this is a common problem that deprives us of our inborn charm. Luckily, there are as many remedies to deal with this skin blemish as numerous its causes are.

Obviously, the quickest way to handle dark circles is by covering them up with a concealer, yet this color cosmetic won’t free you from them for good. Today we will give you several pieces of advice on how to fix dark circles. Learn some home remedies to fight back dark circles under your eyes.

What causes dark circles?

  • genetics
  • fatigue, chronic stress, lack of sleep
  • spending long hours in front of a screen
  • reading in poor light
  • vitamin deficiency
  • some diseases (anemia, alleges, kidney and liver disorders, hormonal fluctuations, diabetics)
  • improper skin care
  • skin pigmentation
  • coffee, cigarettes and alcohol

Obviously, there is nothing that would fix our genetics, yet you are in control of the remaining causes of dark circles, aren’t you?

Types of dark circles

When you are able to recognize the type your dark circles are, it would become significantly easier for you to remove them. Therefore, keep reading to find out what type the dark circles under your eyes are and start the fight!

Blueish, purple or violet circles under eyes indicate that your body needs more vitamin K that can be supplied by either leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables. Also, make sure that you take enough vitamin C and A. Finally, drink plenty of fresh water and cut down on sugar and salt.

Brown or yellowish circles under eyes appear when your body lacks vitamin B6, B12 and folate. Such dark circles are signs sent by your organism which wants to you to eat less sugar and to drink more water. Try to enrich your diet with raw and steamed vegetables.

Deep dark marks located under the lower eyelid mean that your body isn’t supplied with vitamin K and A. In such situation you should consume more leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, parsley and steamed vegetables. It’d be beneficial if you limited the cups of coffee drunk throughout a day. Instead, you should reach for glasses of fresh mineral water.

Natural allies that will help you deal with dark circles

Without doubt, eye skin is delicate and needs to be treated gently. Help it improve by treating it with a good eye cream. Also, you should make use of the following extracts: chestnut, chamomile, ginkgo, cornflower, coffee and cocoa, green tea as well as vitamin K and C.

Home treatment to win the fight against dark circles under eyes

Below you will find a few proven ideas to combat dark circles under eyes.

  1. Green tea dressings – just put bags of infused green tea on your puffy eyelids. Green tea is a rich source of polyphenols, it tonifies skin and constricts blood vessels.
  2. Chestnut and chamomile dressing – both plants reduce puffiness, have anti-ageing effect and deal with inflammations. Additionally, they reinforce walls of blood vessels. When it comes to chamomile, this herb is able to soothe, relax and highlight skin.
  3. Fresh cucumber slices – this long-known way to deal with dark circles has no equal. Cucumber is able to brighten skin up, replenish it with water, leave it fresh and tonified. Additionally, it’s responsible for reinforcing blood vessels and gives this pleasant cooling sensation. A good idea is to put slices of cucumber in the fridge to cool them down before applying them on your eyes. Thanks to this you can be sure that the cucumber will deliver you the effects faster and better.
  4. Ice cube massage – cool wet dressings reduce puffiness. They constrict walls of blood vessels and improve lymph flow.
  5. Wild rose oil – owing to a high vitamin C content, this natural oil is recognized as a potent antioxidant that additionally deals with wrinkles and leaves skin brighter. Apart from vitamin C, wild rose oil also contains vitamins A, E and B-group. This oil is good at reducing dark circles, reduces puffiness and reinforces walls of blood vessels.
  6. Rose water – wet dressings made of rose water are able to light skin up and restore this healthy-looking color to complexion. Alike wild rose oil, rose water is able to reinforce walls of blood vessels and displays anti-ageing properties.