Face creams, masks, serums, ampules. What makes them different & which one is the best pick for you?

You go to a store and feel overwhelmed by all these products? Masks, creams, moisturizers, ampules, serums… Should you use all of them or choose just one? Each of these products has a different purpose and different properties. Keep reading to learn how to pick the best skin care for you.

Face care is a tricky task. In order to never treat it like an onerous duty and to simply enjoy caring for the skin, you should learn more about the tools that aid you in day-to-day skin care routine.

Types of face care products

As far as face care goes we used to have merely a moisturizer and home face mask, maybe. Today the choice of is way bigger: apart from ordinary creams (for day and night use) and masks (traditional, sheet, peel-off), there are also serums, ampules, essences, oils, etc.

What face care products should you choose to care for your skin the right way? See the things that set creams, masks, serums and ampoules apart – pick what suits you the most.

What to pick for skin care?

1. Face cream

This is the most popular and best-selling face care product. We like to use them both in the AM and PM. There are different creams – their benefits (moisturizing, antiaging, brightening), consistency and composition of active ingredients differ but what do creams have in common?

All face creams work on the skin surface – generally they don’t penetrate deep skin layers and don’t have a strong antiaging, repairing or conditioning effect. Creams, on the other hand, form a protective occlusive coat on the skin surface to lock in moisture and ensure protection e.g. from harmful effect of UV radiation (if cream features oils or SPF). That is why you should apply cream after serum to keep its ingredients from escaping.

2. Face mask

A face mask has a stronger effect and should be used just once or twice a week no matter if you use readymade product or homemade mask. What makes creams and masks different? Ingredients of face masks penetrate deep skin layers and work more intensively so a single use of a good mask may give you more benefits than regular application of a cream. The way of using masks differs too – you rinse the mask, take it off or peel it off.

3. Face serum

Serum is an unquestioned winner among all skin-care products. It’s growing in popularity, appreciated for unusual skin-conditioning effect. You can reach for serum no matter your skin type but remember that different types of serum solve different skin problems – vitamin C serum helps eliminate dark spots, retinol serum rejuvenates while hyaluronic acid serum gives maximum level of hydration.

Why using face serum really pays off?

  • Serum has the highest concentration of ingredients so each drop of serum has more nutrients than a portion of cream or mask.
  • It’s based on finest-quality substances that are combined so as to precisely reach the source of the problem and solve it.

You must remember to use face serum before a cream or oil because its ingredients reach deep skin layers but they don’t leave a protective coat on its surface so you need extra protection.

4. Face ampoules

Ampoules make up a separate category; they are used pretty rarely and said to be unfit for home use. The truth is everybody can reach for ampoules because they are like serum closed in small vials and aimed at solving specific problems. They are made so as to effectively fight the biggest skin blemishes e.g. spider veins, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation. They are able to rejuvenate and revitalize provided that we suit them to the needs of our skin.