Natural skin care: how to get round to it?

In today’s world, “natural” seems to be a buzzword. What does the word mean in skin care? Our skin benefits most from the blessings of nature. How to start skin care in accordance with nature? See my mini-guide for all those who don’t want beauty at all costs.

Skin-care experts convince us that natural cosmetics are the healthiest and the most skin-friendly but we still aren’t sure what this naturalness really means. Does natural skin care mean not using any products at all or using only those labeled eco-friendly? Let’s debunk all myths and explain what skin care in line with nature actually entails and how to get round to it. If you’re interested in this topic and want to change your habits, read my mini-guide for nature lovers and start caring for your skin wisely!

Natural skin care. What is it like?

In line with what nature has created. Will nature give you advanced face-lift complex infused into modern-day treatments? Of course not. Nature gives us oils, antioxidants, vitamins, plant extracts, floral and herbal waters – each one is worth adding to your skin care. Once you introduce them, you can call your skin care natural.

Natural skin care is based on ingredients found in nature. Instead of chemicals, parabens and all human-made substances, you use nourishing, conditioning and protecting ingredients given by mother nature, found on the meadow, in the woods or field.

Natural skin care. How to start?

First things first: the right products. They largely determine if your skin care is natural or not. Take a look at ingredients – choose products without parabens, silicones, oil derivatives and synthetics. Every artificial substance causes damage to skin. Most irritations and problems such as acne or comedones flow from the use of wrong products filled up with artificial substances clogging the skin pores.

While shopping, pick natural skin products, that is whose 90% of composition is made of natural substances e.g. vegetable oils, hydrosols, essential oils, plant extracts or substances like hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, retinol, coenzyme Q10 (they also occur in our bodies naturally).

There’s one more big thing to remember: use only the essential number of products and cut down on skin-care treatments. A big number of cosmetics doesn’t translate to better results. Sometimes less means more – this way you don’t disturb the skin’s natural ability to repair. We must allow our skin to get back its natural beauty instead of camouflaging it with dozens of cosmetics.

Skin care isn’t enough, though!

Before discussing skin care – no matter if it’s natural or not – we should realize that our lifestyle has a great effect on the appearance of skin. If you eat unhealthy diet, fail to hydrate your body or protect skin from the sun and pollution, then even the best skin care products won’t help. Let’s remember to take a holistic approach, thinking about skin care from within – providing good food and supplements.

A couple of rules to know and follow:

  • introduce foods rich in EFA (omega acids) into your diet.
  • eat lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grains.
  • supplement vitamins B and minerals such as zinc and silicon.
  • protect your skin from the sun using UV filter and natural oils.