Sensitive skin – top rules to follow if your skin is delicate and reactive

Sensitive skin is truly demanding and means plenty of challenges. It tends to be “moody” and it’s hard to foresee the possible aggressors. Thankfully, once you learn to care for it, you are able to reduce its proneness to irritations and largely improve its state. If your face also reacts to external factors, find out how to condition sensitive skin.

How do you know your skin is sensitive?

Redness, flaking, dryness, burning sensation, feeling of tightness, itching – these are typical symptoms of sensitive and reactive skin. Each of the signals tells you about the inflammation process that is beginning or ongoing. The intensity of symptoms depends on a trigger that causes oversensitivity – if it’s a skin condition and not just a cosmetic allergy reaction, then the symptom is more intense.


sensitive skin goes red even because of stress, diet, change of temperature and monthly period. Sudden redness and feeling of tight and tingling skin is common after using an improper product.

What causes burning sensation?

In most cases excessive sensitivity is genetic yet it may be related to some skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, rosacea. It’s connected with the structure of the epidermis or its damage. Sometimes, healthy skin becomes sensitized and reacts to factors that didn’t use to cause any reaction. This happens when you weaken your skin by wrong, long-term skin care. Reactive skin may be also connected with hormonal imbalance.

What isn’t sensitive skin fond of?

Both outside factors (exogenous factors) and factors related to the body functioning (endogenous factors) do harm to sensitive skin. This is what makes sensitive skin care so challenging. The numerous damaging agents include weather conditions (wind, freezing weather, changing temperatures), hard water, cosmetic products, rubbing motion, food allergies. Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to aid your sensitive skin.

How to care for sensitive skin?

The choice of suitable cosmetics is the key to success. Use special products made for sensitive, reactive, atopic or couperose skins at the pharmacy as well as natural oils that restore the hydrolipid balance, protect, heal and soothe the skin. Sweet almond oil is the mildest oil.

Search for products free from irritating substances and aromas. Use products that strengthen the skin and reduce redness, preventing inflammation at the same time.

Sensitive skin care in a couple of simple steps

  1. Use mild cleansing mousses and micellar water based on ingredients which soothe the skin and protect against outside aggressors.
  2. Your day cream must shield the skin from the outside factors and sunlight so it must feature minimum 20 SPF. Ideally, use physical sunblock because it’s more sensitive skin-friendly against chemical sunscreens.
  3. Your night cream must intensively repair the skin and alleviate irritations.
  4. Once a week use a delicate enzyme scrub which dissolves bonds between dead cells but it doesn’t do it invasively. After exfoliation, use a skin-soothing mask.

Top sensitive skin care mistakes

  • Rubbing the skin.
  • Using strongly-working products.
  • Using a few different creams at the same time.
  • Changing products too often.
  • Experimenting with new cosmetics.
  • Using herbs without doctor’s consultation.